02 May 14  |  Wellness   |  

A Nail Tech’s Guide to Quality Manicure/Pedicure Services

Written by Michelle Henke, Nail Technician and Massage Therapist at Golden Ocala.

Everyone loves clean, well-manicured nails. And, taking care of your nails is part of living an overall healthy lifestyle. However, I understand maintaining your nails is easier said than done.

One Saturday, while I was enjoying some leisure time and lounging, I looked down and was nearly frightened by my feet. At this point, I was 36 weeks pregnant and it had been a few weeks since I could see the tips of my toes beyond the round rim of my belly, let alone reach them. It was time–I HAD to get a pedicure!

manicure-pedicureI was on a mission for trimmed toenails and smoother heels. I drove around for about an hour, only to end up back home with the same long toenails and dry, rough heels.

The next day, I went into work and plead with my saint of a co-worker for her assistance with my problem. As she worked my heels and tamed my toes, it occurred to me–there are people out there just like me, with untrimmed toes and dried out heels. Maybe they too are pregnant or just too busy to get to the salon. . There are many at home remedies to pamper yourself, but if you are going to go to a salon be sure to do some research before sitting down in the chair. Here is my gift to you: “The Guide to Quality Pedicure/Manicure Services”:

  • Licensure: There should be a valid state license displayed for every employee with a photo and the name of the salon/establishment. Licensing means the Department Of Health regulates and regularly checks the conditions of the facility and the employees to ensure the quality of salon practices and to keep them up to standards.
  • Sanitation: Proper sanitation is paramount in preventing the spread of fungus, infection and other unsightly or dangerous nail disorders. Proper implements, tools and supplies should be readily available at all times.


  • Materials: Current dated glass containers of Barbacide (or hospital grade sterilizing solution) should be visual at every station. There should also be a UV sterilizing light and/or autoclave, anti-bacterial soap and proper removal of disposable objects such as buffers and files.
  • Q&A: The staff should be able to clearly answer any questions you may have about products, ingredients and proper cleaning procedures.
  • Comfort: If you are not comfortable, TRUST YOUR GUT! Pretty polished feet and manicured  hands are not worth compromising your health.

I hope this helps you! Members, to make an appointment with the Golden Ocala Spa and Salon Nail Professionals, call  (352) 402-4350.