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What Are Good Safety Tips of Swimmers?

Summer’s gentle waters seem to call out: “Come to me.” It’s an alluring plea – submersing one’s self in the cool splendor of earth’s libation. Some of us attend to the calling more earnestly; others when the desire arises. We love swimming.

We at Golden Ocala recognize and embrace this sentiment: The ardent swimmers among us belong to a different breed, but all of us on occasion enjoy a simple splash in the swimming pool or at the local pond.

But while swimming certainly has its pleasant draw, it also poses certain dangers. The risks – without taking good precautions – are high.

safety tips swimmers

Swimming Risks Can Be Avoided By Taking Precautions

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 46,419 deaths were attributed to unintentional drowning in the United States between 1999 and 2010; that’s 3,868 per year.

Here are some statistics on drowning deaths in the United States:

  • Drowning deaths decreased during that period in all age groups except among adults aged 45-84.
  • The average daily number of unintentional drowning deaths on weekend days was 48 percent higher than weekdays.
  • Since 2005, unintentional drowning has replaced car crashes as the top killer for unintentional injuries for boys aged 1-4 years.
  • Drowning occurred most often in bathtubs for children under the age of 1 year and for adults 85 and older. For children aged 1-4 years, drowning occurred mostly in swimming pools and for people aged 5 – 84 in natural waters.
  • Florida loses more children under age five to drowning than any other state.

The American Red Cross published these tips for safe swimming, especially during the summer:

  • Always swim with a buddy; do not allow anyone to swim alone.
  • Never leave a young child unattended near water and do not trust a child’s life to another child; teach children to always ask permission to go near water.
  • Have young children or inexperienced swimmers wear U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets around water, but do not rely on life jackets alone.
  • Maintain constant supervision.
  • Make sure everyone in your family learns to swim well. Enroll in age-appropriate Red Cross water orientation and learn-to-swim courses.
  • If you have a pool, secure it with appropriate barriers. Many children who drown in home pools were out of sight for less than five minutes and in the care of one or both parents at the time.
  • Avoid distractions when supervising children around water.
  • If a child is missing, check the water first. Seconds count in preventing death or disability.
  • Have appropriate equipment, such as reaching or throwing equipment, a cell phone, life jackets and a first aid kit.
  • Know how and when to call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number.
  • Enroll in Red Cross home pool safetywater safetyfirst aid and CPR/AED courses to learn how to prevent and respond to emergencies.
  • Protect your skin. Limit the amount of direct sunlight you receive between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and wear sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 15.
  • Drink plenty of water regularly, even if you’re not thirsty. Avoid drinks with alcohol or caffeine in them.

We at Golden Ocala wish you a safe and happy summer. Enjoy our resort-style pool which is perfect therapeutic relaxation. Enjoy refreshing fountains and shady areas overlooking picturesque golf course views. The sprawling resort-style pool offers shallow lounging and a dedicated children’s area with plenty of options to enter the water for a relaxing and pleasurable experience.

safety tips swimmers

Here’s what our pool entails:

  • Heated swimming pool (76-80 degrees)
  • Shallow Lounging Area
  • Pool Side Café
  • Sunscreen and tanning products
  • Poolside lounging chairs, umbrellas and towels
  • Hot Tub

You must be a member of our community to use our pools. Check out our summer membership programs or contact membership director Donna Snow at 352-402-4343.

If you’re in the market for some gorgeous, luxury homes, explore our homes tab or come to our open house this weekend, July 12th from 1-3 p.m. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


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