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How Do You Play Tennis During Extreme Weather?

We at Golden Ocala Golf & Equestrian Club solemnly cede your point: The last time it snowed in much of Florida was about a generation ago when mullets were fashionable and bell bottoms were ringing. And still the snowfall was rather miserly.

But if tennis is really truly your sport, who cares about a measly three feet of snow? The furry, little yellow bouncy balls must be served: Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night can halt the inevitable volley. So, how do you play tennis during extreme weather?

  • First Stop: Hurricanes. First off, if sustained hurricane winds exceed 80 mph, put away the racket. Go inside. In fact, go inside really, really fast. We hate to say this, but you can’t play tennis during a hurricane – not unless you want to go sailing across the wildly flapping net faster than the ball.
  • Second: Lightning. OK, this isn’t “Back to the Future.” And this isn’t Hill Valley, 1955. And the Courthouse clock is long gone. What is Central Florida? It’s the lightning capitol of the world! So, if you see lightning, we’re sorry. Leave the balls on the court and run (or walk really fast) for cover. After all, you can’t play tennis when you’re racket is fried to an ashy crisp. (Shocking, isn’t it?)
  • Third: Flooding. Maybe. But we kind of think your play will be limited to serving. We’re not sure you can maintain a volley in more than a foot of water. And raging torrents from overflowing river banks might cost you a mint in loss of tennis balls.
  • Fourth: Heavy Rain. Now we’re talking. This might actually be fun, if you don’t have an aversion to getting completely drenched and coming down with flu-like symptoms. But we have to remind you: Sometimes lightning soon follows rain. So beware.
  • Fifth: Blizzard Conditions. We assure you that we do realize that this scenario is extremely unlikely. But hey. You never know. Sorry. We don’t advise playing tennis outside in blizzard conditions unless you don extremely heavy winter gear. But that may restrict your movement. Then there’s the whole problem of finding the tennis court on the frigid, white rolling horizon.
  • Sixth: Blazing Desert Heat. Now this may be a little more likely in July and August here in the Sunshine State. Make sure you’re in good shape and drink plenty of fluids. Layer on some sun protection and wear a sun hat. And you’re ready to go.
  • Seventh: The Typically Great Florida Spring and Autumn Temperatures: Now we’re talking. Here’s our admonition for our beloved tennis buffs: Play, play, play and then, once you’ve played, go play some more. Central Florida weather in the spring and the autumn is absolutely dandy.

flooded tennis court

Golden Ocala Offers Excellent Tennis Amenities in Most Weather

There you have it, folks. Our solemn counsel on how to play tennis in all weather conditions. Contact one of Golden Ocala’s tennis professionals today at 352-402-4351. We’ll put you on some of the meteorological world’s finest courses.

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