Time change brings out the lights on the Golf Course
Written by Jack Creveling, Golf Course Superintendent
When we “spring forward” in early March the golf course maintenance staff loses more than an hour of sleep. The time change shifts the daily sunrise from around 6:30 a.m. to near 7:30 a.m., however our work day begins at 6 a.m year round to accommodate the first tee-offs at 8 a.m. To continue to achieve our goals we bring in mobile flood lights to stay ahead of daily golf play.
We use a generator mounted on to a pallet, with 2,000 watts of flood lights linked to the generator. The team member driving this vehicle must take extra precaution to avoid casing damage to the lighting system. Once we are on the golf course, the vehicle is put in position to illuminate the desired area so the team can get to work.
Tasks we complete under the lights include raking bunkers, fertilizing greens or changing the hole locations. We will continue to use these lights until mid-May when sunrise is closer to our starting time and the supplemental lights are not needed.
The golfer who tees off at 8 a.m. each day gets a fresh course and sets the tone for others to follow for the day. Learn more about the golf course at Golden Ocala Golf & Equestrian Club through our blog and what it takes to keep it in great shape.