Beginning of Summer Marks Start of Aerification Season
Written by Jack Creveling, our Golf Course Superintendent.
This past week, the golf course was aerified, which is essential for short and long term plant health. Here is the process we executed on the golf course greens.
Greens were aerified by a contract company with ¾” tines that reached a depth of 7 inches. This depth gets through the entire thatch layer that has developed over time and will greatly help with water and air penetration into the canopy, as well as extend the life of the greens.
The greens were then cleaned and topdressed with a blend of 80% sand and 20% ceramic material. This process helps to improve nutrient holding capacity and water retention in the soil.
Finally, the greens were broomed aggressively to push the sand into the holes and then rolled multiple times so that the greens could begin to firm back up and return to championship form. We will use ample water to aid in recovery and help the sand better incorporate into the profile.
Both aerification and topdressing are essential in maintaining the greens at the championship standards we have here at Golden Ocala. The short term inconvenience to golfers provides long term health benefits to the turf for many more years to come!