03 April 15  |  Fitness   |  

Reduce the Risk of Health Issues by Boosting Your Metabolism

Written By Jeffrey T. Spaeth, L.M.T., C.P.T.

Working out can boost your metabolism by increasing your heart rate and muscle activity. Muscles require more energy than fat cells even when you’re not working out. It’s important to understand that building muscle while eliminating fat cells will make you feel better, and give you more energy.

As we age, it’s natural to lose muscle, however working out on a regular basis can dramatically slow this process down. Incorporating any type of aerobic exercise into a fitness routine can boost your overall metabolism to help you shed body fat.

Mature man lifting weights

Weights and resistance training in a fitness routine will increase muscle mass and benefit your heart and bone health as well!

Reeving up your metabolism can help you avoid conditions like Metabolic Syndrome which is a combination of risk factors like high blood pressure, fat in the abdominals, elevated blood sugar and issues with cholesterol. According to WebMD, one out of six people cope with Metabolic Syndrome.


These factors can double the risk of developing heart disease and increase the chance of you getting diabetes by five times. As we grow older, it’s important to see your doctor on regular bases to know if you are at risk and increase prevention.

Working out consistently can significantly lower your risk for developing Metabolic Syndrome along with other health-related diseases. Let the fitness professionals at the Golden Ocala Fitness Center help start the journey to a healthier you! There are also a wealth of other tips in our fitness blog.